Saturday, May 24, 2008

Jeff Chan is soooooooooooooooo cool

Today, i have a amazing discovery about Jeff Chan. HE IS ACTRUALLY A COOL PERSON! because he can do his dust shoulder move every 3 mins, and he is really proud of it.( Please ask Jeff Chan if you really want to know what's that!) Also, he invited Elaine and me to the Anime North for next year, and he is going to dress up like creazy, like Naruto headband,+ full metal alchemist , and the Bleach Komono. As return, me and Elaine decide to invite him for next time Salsa dancing, which he agreed to come with us. ( man! i am so think that the whole church will go, if Jeff Chan go) Also, he likes Bubble tea and Jay Chou, which i won't realted them with him even i pull off all my hairs. Now, I learned you should never judge a book from his cover. or should i say he has his secret side of himself . hehe!!! just thought intresting!!! As 1st entry, I tried not to be that selfish, so didn't want to talk about myself, so just make a little bit fun of Jeff Chan, don't hate me Jeff Chan + Jeff Chan's girls, coz Summer doesn't hate you!!!!!

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